One of Ruins along Royral Road / Prang Ban Prang : 14Jan2007


This ruin is in Ban Prang, A.Huai Ta Laeng, Nakhon Ratchasima.

We should go to the west from the crossing of R.2163 and R.226, and next turn to the south, then we can see this ruin.

The right photo is from the northwest.

This ruin was the hospital made by Jayavarman 7th.

From the west.

Form the southwest.

From the south.

There are a reservoir calld "Barai" in the east.

From the east.

The flower in the Barai.

The main tower from the east.

A ruin of the library in the southeast corner for the main tower.

The main tower.

The gate of the main tower.

The sandstone color is red.

The wall is too high.